Success with Andilynn


How to build a good credit score

I wanted to share this information in the hopes it helps someone avoid the headaches involved with dealing with credit reporting agencies. There are a few ways to get started on building up your credit score. One is to call the credit reporting agencies about any false information that you find on your report and ask them to remove it. You may have to contact the business that reported you to ask them to have it removed if it is their error. I have had to do this and sometimes it works and other times it can feel daunting to the point you just decide it isn’t worth it to make all the phone calls needed to get this remedied. There is still hope! My husband’s score was damaged by someone else due to having the same name and birth year. There were so many similarities to their name, address, birth date, etc… that it was easy to get things mixed up since we are from a small town so doing business in the same places was inevitable. Those companies took our situation for granted and mixed up identities in several cases with different companies. My husband was following Dave Ramsey and decided to just never borrow money again for anything. Therefore, he didn’t need a credit score, right? Wrong? There will always be something that your credit will affect. You may not want to borrow money, but there’s a chance you will have to, and believe me when I say you will want a good score regardless of your needing to borrow money.
Since we had given up on trying to get the credit agencies to help fix the credit and we didn’t plan to borrow money for any reason, my husband’s credit score dwindled until it was nothing. Literally, NO CREDIT SCORE! His credit report said no available credit score. It stated that this is likely due to not having reported any credit accounts for two years or more. So, in two years of not borrowing money, it hurt him even more. Now, he had to start from scratch.
The major problem for this was that we had bought our house on credit right before we had the issues with his credit, but now the rates on home loans had dropped significantly and we wanted to get the house on a lower interest rate. This is how we found out he had no score. We were in the process of refinancing the house and were told we couldn’t get the best rate because we didn’t have good credit. I still had good credit for some reason, he had nothing. I was currently in the process of paying off a loan for my vehicle and some furniture that I purchased under a “same as cash” agreement… This helped my credit, but his was gone. We had to refinance in my name only to get the rate we wanted.
After this little debacle, we had to figure out how to get his credit back up. We were still wanting to buy land and a larger house in the future and we didn’t have the kind of money just laying around to pay cash. So, I started doing research and I was able to, accidentally, find a way to get his score up to a near excellent score and it didn’t take long at all ( 2 months), and no calls to the credit agency were required.
My opinion of credit agencies is pretty low, but we still have to rely on them for getting loans and for other purposes. Unfortunately, companies use this as a way to decide if they can trust you. It is a flawed system in my opinion, but I think I cracked the code in our case. It seems like creating good credit should be a gradual process that you build over time and should be something that is protected from errors made by others. This was not the case!
Luckily, it didn’t take long to fix. After I realized how easy it was to build a credit score and how quickly it can happen I was able to get our score up to over 800 and keep it there in only a few months. As a bonus, I learned that you can start building your child’s credit before they turn 18. I will show you how I did it step by step in my FREE eBook. I am going to address how to build your credit and then I will have a bonus section to build your child’s credit. This can also be used to help build credit for someone other than your child. Below is the link to have the Free eBook sent to your email so you can download it to keep forever! Thanks for reading.

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